We typical Singaporeans, are very competitive and are really, really afraid of losing. Another word to describe ourselves is "kiasu", which means 'fear of losing' in Hokkien.
I am sure that you have heard your parents nagging at you do study hard and do well in your exams. One other common scenario is that your parents will worry about your health, like complaining that you did not eat enough, did not take enough vitamins etc.
My parents' expectations are typical: do well in studies, get a good job next time, stay healthy.
Now I shall discuss my expectations for my children in the future.
Firstly, I wish for my children to lead happy lives.
Secondly, I wish that my children will put in their best efforts in everything they do.
Lastly, I wish that they would have accomplished something in their lives.
I think that studies and money (what most Singaporeans compete for) are not the most important thing in our lives. It is what we accomplish and what happiness is gained at the end of the day. To conclude this discussion, I hope that the future Singaporeans will change their "kiasu" behaviours.