Stem cell research is as a method to treat diseases and illnesses such as cancer, diabetes, strokes, Parkinson’s disease and numerous others. It is so because stem cells have the potential to develop into many different cell types in the body and is able to divide to replace other dead cells.
I personally feel that using stem cells to save people is agreeable, but of course everything has its own risks:
- Firstly, destruction of blastocysts. The use of embryo stem cells for stem cell research involves the destruction of blastocysts formed from laboratory-fertilized human embryo eggs. Some people might believe that life begins at conception (pregnancy), the blastocysts are human life forms and to destroy them is immoral, cruel and downright grotesque.
- Secondly. the unknown effects of nature. Who knows what unknown effects nature might have in stall for us? The stem cells may not be used to the patient's body and thus might damage the patient. There is also a possibility of negative long-term effects.
However, if people are all willing to take a risk to obtain an opportunity to live longer, then I have no objections. After all, we humans have always dreamt of living longer, perhaps even like gods or immortals, don't we?
Life is invaluable. We all want to treasure it and mostly want to make full use of it. That is why humans are willing to dodge any obstacle, climb every mountain or cut through forests to give ourselves a hope, even a small candle flame, to live on.
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