Qns:What is the book that inspired you most?
Ans:There are many books that I have read since I was a child that gave me much inspirations at different stages in my life. One book has inspired me most is “Tuesdays with Morrie” by Mitch Albom.
Qns:Why & How?
Ans:Mitch Albom is an award-winning sportswriter. In this book, he recounts how he renewed his warm relationship with his revered mentor, Morrie Schwartz, who was his college professor some sixteen years ago.
Mitch heard about his teacher from an interview show on TV and decided to pay a visit. This visit soon turned into regular meetings - on Tuesdays, in his study, just as they used to do, back in college. Their rekindled relationship turned into one final "class": lessons on how to live.
Albom plots Morrie's declining health, which is quite depressing, but at the same time imparts Morrie's wisdom. As a dying man, Morrie shows us how he learns to appreciate the things he used to be able to do. As readers, we soon begin to realize that human relationships and health are more important than all the gadgets, modern conveniences, pressures to get ahead professionally and monetarily combined.
From time to time, we get so obsessed with the real trivialities of life. We become lost in a fast-paced lifestyle and we stop to care. We are always in a hurry that we never think of stopping and appreciating what is around us.
This book sets me into self reflection, just as Morrie took Mitch through the weekly lesson. The many lessons include asking us to stop for a minute, breath, and remember why we are doing what we do. It teaches us to grasp the things that are really important in our lives and not to let go. It also tells us that the one thing that we should do best is to love, to love the people who have enriched our lives.
Tuesdays with Morrie helps me ponder over what matters most to me, rethink what I really value in life, and that I should live according to what really matters.
There are many meaningful quotes by Morrie in this book, which I like a lot, such as, “You live on - in the hearts of everyone you have touched and nurtured while you were here”, “If you can accept that you can die at any time - then you might not be as ambitious as you are" and “Love is when you are as concerned about someone else's situation as you are about your own."
I think it might be better to have spaces in between the lines. Your interview is "professional" though, as compared to mine.